what are the common sleep disorders ?

About Sleep
What is a sleep disorder?
The clinical definition of a sleeping disorder is a disruptive pattern of sleep that may include difficulty falling or staying asleep, falling asleep at inappropriate times, excessive total sleep time, or abnormal behaviors associated with sleep. There are over 100 different sleeping/waking disorders that have been identified and for every one there is a different causation.

What are the common sleep disorders?
Here is glance at some of the most common Sleep Disorders:
This is the most common sleep disorder. It is characterized by the inability to fall asleep at night, or waking up earlier than you would like, resulting in an insufficient amount of sleep. Those suffering from insomnia do not feel that they have rested after their sleep. As a result, they may feel daytime fatigue and tiredness and are easily irritable, restless as well as having feelings of anxiety and hence stress.

Sleep Apnea
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, or Sleep Apnea, is characterized by obstruction of the upper airway during sleep, causing the cessation of breathing for 30 to 90 seconds at a time. This can happen as many as 600 times every night! The pauses in breathing are alternated by loud snores or brief gasps for air and often with movements of the whole body. People who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea are extremely sleep-deprived and often experience excessive sleepiness during the day. They are also usually obese and hypertensive.

Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder caused by the brain sending sleep-inducing signals resulting in recurring episodes of unavoidable sleep - literally, of "sleep attacks." These attacks can occur unpredictably at times that may not be appropriate to sleep such as while driving, having a conversation or eating.

Restless leg Syndrome ( RLS )
Is another common sleep disorder that affects about 15% of the population by causing the feeling that there are pins and needles or itchy crawly skin on the legs. People who suffer from restless leg syndrome will feel a significant need to move their legs in bed in order to get rid of the creepy crawly feeling in the legs.

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Last Update
11/27/2011 7:48:21 AM